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It’s Your Money. Why Not Keep More of it?

Flexible Spending Account and Health Savings Account can help!

FSA Store Logo

Visit the FSA Store to find an extensive list of eligible products. When you use code SHOP25, you can save $5! *One use per customer. Offer exp. 12/31/25.

HSA Store Logo

Visit The HSA Store to find an extensive list of eligible products. When you use code SHOP25, you can save $5! *One use per customer. Offer exp. 12/31/25.

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HSA eligible products

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Benefit Plan Limits

Pursuant to
IRS Guidelines

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HSA Tax Calculator

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FSA Eligibility List

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FSA eligible products

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HSA / 401K Maximizer

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HSA Tax Calculator

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FSA Savings Calculator

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FSA Savings Calculator

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HSA Value Calculator

Estimated balance
at retirement

HR Pro card

Your HRPro Benefit Card

If your employer allows payments of FSA through a payment card – you have convenience in the palm of your hand!

Use your card to pay for FSA eligible expenses and automatically create a payment history for your records! Eliminate the hassle of claim submission and waiting for a check!

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