HRPro Presents: Communicate Effectively and Become a Thought Leader
* October Leadership Enrichment Group Meeting for Troy Chamber of Commerce *
A good communicator is unstoppable in today’s corporate environment. Unfortunately, too many employees that want to advance in their careers ignore the need for an effective communication strategy. Therefore, their message is confusing and ultimately ignored.
Planned communication is great communication. During this session, Kristopher Powell, CEO of HRPro will share concepts that he used during the past 30+ years to grow his business and develop his leadership team.
No matter where you are in your career, you can learn to communicate effectively and “Get Your Voice Heard.” If you can help solve your company’s communication issues, you will become a high-value employee. When you communicate effectively, you enhance understanding and help to inspire change.
Take advantage of this session to learn how to streamline personal and corporate communication.
Wednesday, October 5, 2022
8:30 AM thru 10:30 AM
Intelligent Office
755 W. Big Beaver Rd. -2nd Floor
Troy, MI 48084